same routine as yesterday. it's starting to feel normal as opposed to cool and special that i'm cooking for myself; good. had chicken thighs and noodles, but with a shitty grocery store parm instead of the actually good costco parmesan cheese. i want to throw up. but i ate it.
slow day at work, so i was outgoing towards a coworker. asked about her hobbies. she's big into softball; represented the state in some kind of tourney, looked cool in the jersey, had those cool athletic shades. apparently she plays on the weekends. we're both big into baseball-- and both the archetype of person who is really BIG into a few things instead of having 8 different interests and skills we're just okay at. we talked about a lot of music. i showed her the cringe ada rook album. apparently she thought i was 'around her age'. she is 32. i am 19. people always think i'm mature for my age, but she said it was because i listened to throwback music at work. i told her it was because pop music has been ass since 2010. maybe if i ever put enough effort into this site to have loyal followers, i'll ask them to guess my age, haha.
i oughta make a journals landing page to make these at least possible to read thru. tomorrow, i'm gonna do laundry and do that for the site. got +400 words on 0100 last night, pretty good! currently rewriting a character introduction; was well written and sad to get rid of, but didn't exactly set the right expectations for what i'm going for. 3k words deep thus far. i gotta start marking parts that are revised to give an accurate revision count. for now. i'm gonna just... lie down and maybe write a little. fold my laundry. i have 6 hours until my unreasonable and messed up typical sleeping time so... sigh. will fold. and report back, o7
minute number ten journaling and revising and trying to think of even more things to talk about to avoid folding laundry. like i won't start having fun the second i start folding. sigh. siiigh. SIGH. i'll set a one hour timer and write instead, since i'm just soo talkative tonight.